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Internet Marketing Ebook Reviews
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Instructions for Submitting a Marketing Resource for Review
There are 2 submission processes for getting a resource reviewed on this site and newsletter. The first is for products you yourself are the creator of. The second is for a suggestion for a product to review that you do not own but would like reviewed.
Please note that I may refer to the item being submitted as an ebook – but I still review marketing private sites and software as well.
If you own and are the creator of the resource – follow these instructions:
- First, notify me of the product by emailing me at [email protected]?subject=Submission
- In this email you need to include the following: your name and contact details, the name of the product, and the sales letter/website URL of the product. A working order taking website MUST be included.
- Any questions you may of course send along as well
- After I view the website, I will allow you to send the ebook to me for review. This does not guarantee that the item will be reviewed, however I attempt to review every original work submitted.
Some notes on getting your ebook reviewed:
- No free ebooks will be reviewed except in very rare circumstances.
- A website dedicated to the product is required – this is not for unfinished works.
- You realize that any negative statement about an ebook is not a personal attack on the author but an opinion of the written material. Any review that is posted is my own opinion and should be acknowledged as such.
- All resources reviewed will be submitted to the readers of the newsletter as well as being included on the website.
- If the ebook is of very low quality it may not be reviewed – or it may receive a poor description.
- You are submitting a resource for review – not for an endorsement. If your resource is of high quality then it will of course receive a good review.
- You may use any part of a review to publish on a website as a comment about your product as long as you acknowledge me, Brendan Conroy, as the author of the comments.
If you do not own the resource but would simply like to suggest a resource for review:
- Make sure that the resource has not already been reviewed by looking through this website.
- Send the suggestion to [email protected]?subject=Suggestion
I take into account all suggestions and strive to review as many as possible.
-Brendan Conroy
Legal: By viewing this site you agree to the following: to hold the author not responsible for any purchase decisons. Any claims made are not indicative of average results or indicate that you will achieve the same. You will not bring to court the author of this site for any reason relating to this site.
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